
Auditing. What does auditor mean?

(Last edited: Thursday, 10 September 2009, 1:47 PM)
To audit: to attend a course or class without intending to take any examination.

In cases where a student would like to attend a course but would prefer not to complete the coursework, it is possible to register as an auditor.

It is important to note that you will NOT receive Hours Equivalent Credit for courses which you audit.

To register as an auditor of a course, click on the Enrolment link and select 'Auditing student' from the dropdown before clicking on the 'Enrol' button.

It is important to register as an auditor (as opposed to just turning up) so that you can access the course materials and receive the course messages (e.g., lecture cancellations). Also, if you don't register, we can't guarantee that your local VC room will be booked for you.