Sunday, 12 January 2025, 9:51 PM
Site: My.SUPA
Course: My.SUPA (My.SUPA)
Glossary: My.SUPA. Frequently Asked Questions

Account : How do I get a SUPA account?

(Last edited: Tuesday, 23 April 2019, 3:09 PM)

A My.SUPA account can be automatically issued if you are a member of staff or PhD student in Physics or a related area and have a university email address from a SUPA partner

Use the quick self-service form to request a SUPA account if you are a PhD student or a member of staff in a department of physics and/or astronomy at Aberdeen, Dundee, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Heriot-Watt, St Andrews, Strathclyde or UWS universities.

Quick self-service My.SUPA account setup for staff and PhD students

For other account requests please use the form below. 
Use the 'other account requests' if you are not a staff member or PhD student in one of the SUPA universities.

Other account requests for My.SUPA


Auditing. What does auditor mean?

(Last edited: Thursday, 10 September 2009, 1:47 PM)
To audit: to attend a course or class without intending to take any examination.

In cases where a student would like to attend a course but would prefer not to complete the coursework, it is possible to register as an auditor.

It is important to note that you will NOT receive Hours Equivalent Credit for courses which you audit.

To register as an auditor of a course, click on the Enrolment link and select 'Auditing student' from the dropdown before clicking on the 'Enrol' button.

It is important to register as an auditor (as opposed to just turning up) so that you can access the course materials and receive the course messages (e.g., lecture cancellations). Also, if you don't register, we can't guarantee that your local VC room will be booked for you.

Courses. How do I find a course area?

(Last edited: Thursday, 10 September 2009, 2:52 PM)
There are three ways to find a course area:
  1. Take a link to a Theme area from the front page
  2. Look at the index of all courses and areas
  3. Use the 'Courses Search' facility on the front page

Editing my course

(Last edited: Thursday, 13 November 2008, 1:04 PM)
How do I change or edit the text in my course?

Staff can refer to the notes in the SUPA Teaching Staff area or the .

This includes some a leaflet on things you can do with My.SUPA, and also some instructions to help you to upload a file.

Enrolment. How do I enrol on a SUPA course?

(Last edited: Thursday, 10 September 2009, 2:31 PM)
To enrol on a SUPA course, first go to the My.SUPA area for the course. (How do I find a course area?)

Screenshot of enrolment linkIf the course is open for self-enrolment, there will be an enrolment link in the administration block on the left hand side of the page.

When you click on the link, you will be taken to the enrolment page. You will be asked to decide whether you are joining the course as a student or as an auditor. (More information about auditing courses)

If this is the first time you have enrolled in a SUPA course this year, you will also be asked to consent to being recorded in lectures. If you do not consent to be recorded, leave the consent box unchecked. (More information about recording)

Finally, click on the 'Enrol' button at the bottom of the page to enrol on the course.

If you are enrolled on a course, your name will appear in the list of participants and the name of the course will appear in the 'My courses or areas' blocks. This block can be found on the top right of the front page of My.SUPA and on the left hand side of every internal page. Note that it only shows you your courses when you're logged in.

If you change your mind about a course, or wish to swap from student to auditor or vice versa, unenrol from the course and start again.

If you change your mind about recording consent, please email

Login: How can I get a My.SUPA login?

(Last edited: Thursday, 7 August 2008, 3:52 PM)

Maths: Can I type in LaTeX?

(Last edited: Thursday, 13 November 2008, 1:14 PM)
In most parts of My.SUPA, including discussion forums, you can type in LaTeX and the expression will be rendered as an image in html pages and emails.

Example: Type the following without the spaces between the dollar signs:


to get


More help is available on using LaTeX notation


My.SUPA: Where do I find things on the My.SUPA front page?

(Last edited: Tuesday, 25 November 2008, 2:13 PM)
SUPA Front Page

If you have been given an account, you may log in to the My.SUPA site by using your fullname and password. Alternatively the login box may also recognise your email address as your username.

My.SUPA List of Courses (top-right)

After you have logged in the My.SUPA front page, the box at the top right will show a list of the courses to which you belong. Some of these are real lecture courses. Others are organisational areas such as ‘Staff’, ‘Mailroom’, ‘Condensed Matter Theme Area’

If you do not see the course that you require, follow the link to ‘All My.SUPA areas’ to see the complete list. During enrolment, students can preview and then enrol into courses of their choice. For late enrolment, contact the SUPA Office.

Overview of Front Page of My.SUPA (inclusing popup boxes explaining the importance of the List of My.SUPA courses in the top right)


Non-SUPA courses: How do I apply for credit for non-SUPA courses?

(Last edited: Thursday, 24 January 2019, 2:59 PM)
You will find guidance on the procedures for obtaining credit for non-SUPA courses in the Student Handbook as well as

Notes. Where can I find the notes for my course?

(Last edited: Thursday, 13 November 2008, 1:15 PM)
When you are logged into My.SUPA, your courses will be listed in a box on the right hand side of the first page of My.SUPA. If you can see a list of course categories instead of your courses, log in.

My.SUPA list of courses and areas box appears top right of front page after you log in

Your courses are those for which you are currently registered. If this list is incorrect or incomplete, contact 'courses' at SUPA Central (

Look at the relevant week or view the resources list.

Materials are only available to students once the lecturer has released them from their master files list.