
Friday, 13 June 2008


Quantum Information Scotland (QUISCO) meeting

Site event
QUISCO Meeting

Friday 13th June 2008

University of Strathclyde

Lecture Theatre 3, McCance Building
16 Richmond Street, Glasgow G1 1XQ

The keynote speaker will be Professor Mark Hillery (City University of New York). Professor Hillery is a pioneer of Quantum Optics and Quantum Information, having invented, along with Vladimir Buzek, approximate quantum cloning, and now works on quantum state discrimination and is currently the quantum information editor of Physival Review A.

Tutorials on the Physics and Computer Science of Quantum Information will be given by Dr Daniel Oi (Strathclyde) and Dr Elham Kashefi (Edinburgh) respectively for students and researchers interested in learning more about different aspects of the field. A poster session will allow students and early stage researchers to showcase their work as well as stimulate discussion.

Please register by sending an email headed, "QUISCO Meeting 13/6/2008" to daniel.oi@strath.ac.uk. Attendance is free. Updated information can be found on the QUISCO website:

Quantum Information Scotland (QUISCO) is a network of researchers working on all aspects of quantum information science. Its aim is to promote a research community of physicists, computer scientists and mathematicians in Scotland, to encourage a dialogue amongst the diverse spectrum of disciplines and promote collaboration.