
Wednesday, 18 June 2008


Knowledge Transfer Meeting

Site event
Knowledge Transfer Meeting

Heriot Watt University, TRS Meeting Room

Lunch 1 - 2 pm

Meeting 2 - 4pm

Quantum Optics and Quantum Information seminar

Site event

@Quantum Random Walks'
Wednesday 18 June 2008 2-4pm
Prof Mark Hillery
CUNY, New York
The video conference is currently booked into the following rooms: 
Heriot-Watt  1.27, Earl Mountbatten Building
Edinburgh 6224, JCMB
Glasgow  255a, Kelvin Building 
St Andrews  307, Physics and Astronomy Building 
Strathclyde  813, John Anderson Building 
For support or additional links to this video conference,
please speak to Sean Farrell sean.farrell@supa.ac.uk.

A quantum walk is the quantum mechanical analogue of a random walk.  The walk can be made on a general graph, and both discrete-time and continuous-time quantum walks can be defined.  The behavior of a quantum walk is different from that of a classical random walk; it tends to spread over the underlying graph faster.  This makes a quantum walk useful for search problems.  A quantum walk can find a distinguished vertex faster than can a classical walk.  A useful way to study quantum walks is by means of scattering theory. One can define an S matrix for a graph, and the S  matrix for a large graph can be found from the S matrices of its subgraphs.  This suggests a method of comparing graphs by doing a kind of graph interferometry.