Lecturer: Chris Brackley and Gavin Melaugh
Institution: Edinburgh
Hours Equivalent Credit: 12
This is a level 11 undergraduate course organised by the University of Edinburgh. It would provide a physics based introduction to Biological Physics for students who have not taken such a course as undergraduates. This course will be taught to SUPA students as a Distance Learning course.
Course Summary
There is an increased research effort in the school devoted to problems at the interface between biology and physics. There is also increasing recognition that physics can provide a very real - and very valuable - insight into the behaviour of complex biological systems, and that a physical approach to biological problems can provide a new way of looking at the world. This course will introduce the students to the basics of biological systems, and then provide examples of how familiar physical principles (thermodynamics, statistical mechanics) underlie complex biological phenomena. This course will introduce you to the wonders of biology: the organisms, cells, and molecules that make up the living world. We will demonstrate the power of physical concepts to understand and make powerful predictions about biological systems, from the folding of a protein into a unique three-dimensional structure within a reasonable timeframe, through the motions of proteins to drive biological processes, to the locomotion of bacterial cells. The physical concepts will be substantially familiar, but their applications will be novel. Where possible, examples will be drawn from the recent scientific literature.
Course info
Hours Equivalent Credit: 12