
Tuesday, 24 June 2008


SUPA Annual General Meeting

Site event

Annual Meeting 2008
Tuesday June 24th

Start 10.00
University of Glasgow

Registration: Please contact your local Physics department

Venues at the University of Glasgow.
Refreshments, lunch and posters in the Wolfson Medical Building, University Avenue.
Plenary lectures will be held in the Joseph Black Building.
Breakout rooms will be notified later.
The final drinks reception will be held in the Kelvin Gallery of the Hunterian Museum.


From 10.00 Arrival / coffee

11.00 Prof Steve Barnett FRS, Strathclyde University
Quantum entanglement: from paradoxes to applications?

11.45 Ian Halliday (SUPA CEO)
The future of SUPA

12.05 Avril Manners (SUPA Grad School Director)
The SUPA Graduate School

12.20 Sandy Cochran (Chair of SUPA KT Committee)

12.30 Lunch and poster session

14.00 Breakout for Theme meetings.

15.15 Q&A session for Executive Committee in the plenary room
Panel: The SUPA Executive Committee
Chair : Andrew Long

15.45 Prof Keith Horne, St Andrews University
The Quest for Extra-Solar Planets

16.30 Drinks reception in the Kelvin Gallery with an opportunity to look at displays illustrating the life of Lord Kelvin.

17.30 Departure

Explanatory notes
Details on Theme Meetings

Print-quality logo for posters

More info: http://my.supa.ac.uk/course/view.php?id=122