Condensed Matter and Materials Science Theme Area
Section outline
Center for Designer Quantum Materials © Tricia Malley Ross Gillespie
Condensed Matter and Materials Sciences (CMMS) is a diverse subject covering many different specialities and attracts PhD students arriving from a wide range of backgrounds with different balances of theoretical and practical training. The program of study is therefore tailored individually for each student, in consultation with his or her PhD supervisor. The overall range and level of courses offered aim to introduce students to subject areas outside the immediate confine of their thesis research, as well as providing more specialist knowledge directly relevant to each dissertation. It is envisaged that during the first two years of study every student will complete a minimum of two physics-content courses, at least one summer school, plus at least one module covering transferable skills. A typical programme will comprise the following elements:
CMMS courses organised by SUPA: These are either graduate specific or advanced masters courses made available to all centres over the SUPA videoconferencing network. Courses offered are listed below and form the backbone of the CMMS graduate school programme.
Core courses organised by SUPA: Those of particular interest to CMMS students include Advanced Data Analysis and courses in different programming languages such as C++ and Python.
Non-SUPA courses as appropriate (e.g. for students changing specialities)
Summer Schools: Examples of appropriate summer schools include ‘Physics by the Lake’ for those with an interest in theory and HERCULES (Grenoble, France) for those doing research involving neutron and X-ray scattering at central facilities.
Professional Development modules
Courses offered by other themes
CMMS courses organised by SUPA:
These are either graduate specific or advanced masters courses made available to all centres over the SUPA videoconferencing network. Courses offered are listed below and form the backbone on the CMMS graduate school programme.
Semester 1Advanced Statistical Physics (SUPAASP)
Geometry and Physics of Soft Condensed Matter (SUPAGPSM)
This is a biennial course which will not run in 2023/2024, but is expected in in 2024/25Introduction to Computational Chemistry (SUPACCH)
Modern Topics in Condensed Matter Physics (SUPATOP)
Quantum Field Theory (SUPAQFT)
Quantum Mechanics for Scientists and Engineers, Discussion Class (SUPAQMSE)
Maths Primer (SUPAPRI) : This is a professional development course.
Semester 2: Enrolment for Semester 2 courses opens in December
Chaikin and Lubensky’s Principles of Condensed Matter (SUPACLP)
This is a biennial course which will not be offered in 2023/24, but is expected in 2024/25.Electronic Structure Theory (SUPAEST)
This is a biennial course. It will run in 2023/24 but is expected in 2024/25.Non-Equilibrium Statistical Mechanics (SUPANSM)
This is a biennial course. It is not offered in 2023/24 but is expected in 2024/25.Quantum Magnetism and Phase Transitions (SUPAQMPT)
This is a biennial course. It is still to be determined if it will run in 2023/24.Response Functions (MBQT 2) (SUPARFN)
To be determined.Soft Condensed Matter (SUPASCM)