Enrolment options

  • 6 & 7 December 2024

Welcome to SUPA Software Carpentry! This course is designed to help you develop your programming ability beyond the point where a normal programming course ends, and become more confident in managing the code you write.
We cover a variety of good practices for managing, documenting, and testing code, and the course aims to help you to become more comfortable using the many tools available to aid with research software development.

The course is suitable for anyone with a modest background with programming, and we try not to focus on a single programming language. However, in one section we do use Python as an example ecosystem (because we needed to choose one). If you're not familiar with Python don't worry; what we cover here will be transferable to C, C++, R, Rust, Javascript, and even LOLCODE.

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Self enrolment (Student)
Self enrolment (Student)