Juno/Athena meeting 24th June

Juno/Athena meeting 24th June

by Christine Davies -
Number of replies: 0
Dear all, I thought I would test out the news forum for the Juno/Athena SUPA webpages (are these web pages proving helpful?)
I can conform that we will have the next Juno/Athena meeting in
Glasgow on 24th June. Thanks to everyone who replied saying they
could come (or suggesting someone else to come from the dept)
- it seems like a good date for most people.
I will also email heads of department to get as many of them along as possible (since you certainly need their active participation in the process and it would be good for them to see what is happening).
The meeting on 24th will follow a similar format to last time, but
moving on from 'first steps' to the process of putting material together. Jenni Dyer (IOP) and June McCombie (chair of the Juno panel) will be coming to give advice on this.
We also need to have short talks from each department updating where they are. For those who were just starting the process last time, this should include results of having gone through a self-audit and made a resulting initial action plan. For those of you who have got further, details of experiences so far would be good.
I will get back to you with more details of the programme nearer the time.
If everyone is happy with this, I suggest a timing of a 10:30/11 am
start to 3:30pm.

See you then
best wishes