My.SUPA Timetable : Graduate School Courses : Semester 1
LocationsLectures usually take place in the SUPA video-conferencing rooms. Not all lectures take place in all rooms. Other Room bookingThis timetable, gives a broad indication of availability, based on the planned timetable and enrolment, but may not show meetings or seminars. We will be booking rooms where lecturers are teaching from. If other rooms are free, you may join from other rooms using details provided. The rooms are also available to book for other departmental use: video conferences, seminars, group meetings, or other uses. Please check the google calendar using the classroom location dropdown, and contact us using the SUPA room bookings form. TutorialsPlease note that some courses with in person labs or tutorials might not be available video-conference. Please check this page and your course areas regularly for updates on the locations of these tutorials. Please hold your cursor (mouse) over each of the entries in the timetable to obtain more information about the exact times of the lectures.. |
Yearly Timetable Semester 1 2024/25
(see also Semester 2)
Please read the information in the side box before using this timetable.
Lectures booked in the classrooms are booked in hourly blocks, with video conference starting on the hour. Some classes may start a few minutes later depending on local undergraduate timetable. The courses that are also offered to undergraduates are marked with an asterisk (*). Please arrive in plenty of time for video-conferenced lectures.
Entries marked in grey are labs tutorials. These will typically not take place in the SUPA classrooms, details of their location will be made available in due course.
This timetable, gives a broad indication of availability, based on the planned timetable and enrolment, but may not show meetings or seminars. Please use the "Classroom Location" dropdown to show the Google calendar for your location to check local availability.
Local tutorials, group meetings and late bookings are not shown in big timetable, select the Location in dropdown to see the individual classroom availability using Google Calendar.
See also your personalised timetable. [login required]
Last update to events listed below:10/09/2024
Room booking status for Strathclyde JA813:
SUPA lecture timetable selected by location:
The details below do not show all SUPA courses.