Institution: various
Hours Equivalent Credit: 20
Assessment: Exam
Course Summary
This course looks into the origin, evolution and distribution of life in the Universe, broadly considered as ‘astrobiology’. The objective of the course is to provide a perspective in geology, biology and chemistry at an introductory level. Here is a video introduction.
** This course is not offered in 2022/23. It is expected to return in 2023/24.**
Lecturer: Nicolas Labrosse
Institution: Glasgow
Hours Equivalent Credit: 18
Assessment: 50% oral exam, 50% report on computer-based project
Video Introduction:
Course Summary
This course provides a comprehensive introduction to the physical processes at work in the solar atmosphere, and to the principles and practice of research in the physics of the solar atmosphere. It is compulsory to all students enrolled on the MSc in Astrophysics, and optional to all students on the MSc in Theoretical Physics.
Its aims are:
- To develop the students’ knowledge of emission processes of electromagnetic radiation; plasma physics; instrumentation; data analysis; theory and modelling – all in the context of the study of the solar atmosphere.
- To offer initial training in solar physics research which will be useful for students interested in pursuing a career in astrophysics or theoretical astrophysics.
Lecturer: Aleks Scholz
Institution: St. Andrews
Hours Equivalent Credit: 15
Assessment: mock observing proposal as homework
Course Summary
The course includes 5 lectures on the basics of professional observations, given by observatory director Dr. Aleks Scholz. This will be complemented by 5 lectures on specialised observing techniques.
Students will be offered an exclusive tour of the James Gregory Telescope in St Andrews, on a voluntary basis. We will also have observing sessions using telescopes in St Andrews that students can join remotely.