Lecturer: Marco Thiel
Institution: Aberdeen
Hours Equivalent Credit: 33
Assessment: No assessment on this course

Note: This is a final year undergraduate course organised by the University of Aberdeen.

Course Summary:

This course shows you how to develop mathematical descriptions of phenomena. We use mathematical techniques to describe a large variety of “real-world” systems: spreading of infectious diseases, onset of war, opinion formation, social systems, reliability of a space craft, patterns on the fur of animals (morphogenesis), formation of galaxies, traffic jams and others. This course boosts your employability and teaches tools that are highly relevant for almost every researcher.

This is a sign-up / waiting list for anyone interested in the Hands On Writing course.

Due to limited places, we ask you to enrol into this course page, to allow us to collect a list of people interested in this course.

Names will be selected from this list to offer places on the course with priority being given to students in later years of their PhD, with names being drawn randomly thereafter.

Lecturer: Marcos Miralles Lopez 

Institution: University of Glasgow

Delivery: Face to Face Hours Equivalent Credit: 9 (3 x 3 hour Labs) 

Assessment: Continuous Assessment

Additional Resources

Material taught within the syllabus is intended to be supplemented by further reading. The recommended online tutorials are:

Official: http://root.cern.ch
Documentation: http://root.cern.ch/drupal/content/documentation
User's Guide: many PDFs by categories: http://root.cern.ch/drupal/content/users-guide
Tutorials: http://root.cern.ch/root/html/tutorials/
How To: http://root.cern.ch/drupal/content/howtos
Google a certain class to see its inheritance, members, examples, e.g. "ROOT TH1"

Lecturer:  Albert Borbely
Institution: Glasgow
Hours Equivalent Credit: 8 (4 lectures & 2x2hour tutorials)
Assessment: Assignment Problem
Course Summary:
This course serves as a first introduction to the powerful, object- oriented scripting language Python, which combines ease of use with extensive functionality and simple extensibility. After completion, it’s intended that users will be familiar with the concepts and philosophy of Python, be able to use it to solve a wide range of everyday problems, and be able to extend its functionality with user defined classes and modules for more specialised problems.

Hours Equivalent Credit: 8

** This course is not offered in 2022/23.  It may return in the future. **

Lecturer: Marialuisa Aliotta
Hours Equivalent Credit:

Course Summary

The course is specifically tailored to PhD students in scientific disciplines. It will provide practical tools and strategies to help students understand key elements of good scientific writing. The course will cover the 5 steps of the writing process, from pre- writing to proofreading, and will focus on the structure and style of good academic writing.  Topics covered will include: purpose and structure of different sections (Introduction, Methodology, Data analysis and Results, Discussion and Conclusions, Abstract); use of language and grammar (parallel sentences, appropriate tenses, sentence coordination); supporting materials (figures and tables, bibliography, appendices).

Lecturers: Cheryl Patrick
Institution: Edinburgh
Hours Equivalent Credit: 12
Assessment: Presentation

Course Summary
This course provides students with an opportunity to investigate current topics of interest relating to current Particle Physics research, and to present them. Presentations are recorded and participants receive staff and peer feedback.